How to Resign Professionally

Should I resign or continue working

Over the course of your working life, you may resign from multiple companies or positions in order to gain a new, better one. It takes a lot of consideration before you write and submit your resignation, but if you do it professionally, the outcome should be more positive. One way to make it easier is to prepare for any potential questions your boss may ask about why you are resigning and what your plans are. Planning helps to remove fear and facilitates a smoother transition from employee to free agent.

Ask Yourself These Questions When Considering Resignation

1 – Are you leaving no matter what? You must be committed to the process before you begin it or you might find yourself in an uncomfortable position.

2 – Are there opportunities at your current company that you may have overlooked? If you are unhappy in your position, there might be other jobs that will suit you better.

3 – If you were offered a promotion or a raise, would you stay? Instead of resigning, perhaps you should ask for one of these instead.

4 – Will a change to a new job and company improve your finances, living situation, overall career, or personal life? If there are no true benefits, resigning from your current position may not be the right choice.

When You Decide to Resign

Maintain professionalism at all times when resigning from a current position. Print your letter of resignation out neatly and hand deliver it to the appropriate person. Indicate that you have considered this step from all angles and have made a firm decision. Also, include how many weeks you will remain on the job and the end date. Do not spread gossip around the office that you are resigning. Instead, keep the matter private between you and your employer until he or she deems it appropriate to share.

Reveal the Reasons for Resignation

Above all else, be professional when sharing why you want to leave the position. Any negative statements or grievances can be shared in the exit interview, not when you will still be working there for a few weeks. Try to leave on good terms so you can use this company as a positive reference in the future. Understand that your boss, colleagues, and coworkers may be upset about your resignation, not only personally, but because of the vacancy you will leave behind in the workload.

Maintain a Friendly Professionalism

Besides keeping the door open for possible references, maintaining a cooperative and pleasant demeanor when resigning helps the process go more smoothly. Offer to do extra to facilitate a smooth change such as helping to train your replacement. Do not forget to thank your current employer for the opportunity to work for their company.

Stay in Contact with Your Recruiting Consultant

Before you hand in your letter of resignation, contact the professional recruiting consultant to facilitate the transfer from an old job to a new one. They can help you determine if resigning is the right choice in the current economic climate and help you secure a more appropriate and rewarding position in the future.