WorkBeam Blog

The Job Interview: What to wear to look your best

Choosing an outfit for a job interview is by no means an easy task, but it’s a key part of the process of finding a new job.  Formal wear or business casual? Whatever style you opt for - having made sure it’s appropriate for the environment you are looking to work in - the important thing is that you make a good impression on your potential employers. So, should you always plump for formal attire, whatever the position you are applying for, or would a more relaxed look be acceptable? Read on to find out how to dress for that all-important interview. 

Hiring for a Start-up


Hiring for s startup can be difficult, confusing and downright annoying at times, but with a few simple steps, the process of building your team will become easier than ever. A startup at the beginning is not the project or product you are selling but rather the people behind them. When looking for any employee it is imperative that you aim as high as possible. This will ensure that you get quality employees driving your startup forward.

Hiring Your First Staff Member


Hiring your first staff member is exciting, worrying and overwhelming all at the same time. The employee that you will hire will hopefully help you turn your business into the business of your dreams. You must think properly when hiring any staff, that you are collaborating with them rather than dictating their every move. Working together as oppose to dictating their environment and workflow will empower your staff members and, in turn, see them working at their maximum potential.