Job Search

Find And Retain The Motivation To Clinch That Job!

Find And Retain The Motivation To Clinch That Job!

We are living in a world where tensions are high, workload is never ending, and demands are truly challenging. You need grit, passion and dedication when it comes to meeting your career goals, and motivation is the key to your success. Now, it is easier said than done. It is easier to think about all those good thoughts that keep you happy, but if you want to achieve success, you need to tap into the real secrets of finding and retaining the motivation to clinch that job!

How To Get Ahead In The Corporate Environment

How To Get Ahead In The Corporate Environment

Getting promoted is on everyone's New Year's resolution. However, most still struggle. So how do we impress our boss or manager, and get a promotion?

The Job Interview: What to wear to look your best

Choosing an outfit for a job interview is by no means an easy task, but it’s a key part of the process of finding a new job.  Formal wear or business casual? Whatever style you opt for - having made sure it’s appropriate for the environment you are looking to work in - the important thing is that you make a good impression on your potential employers. So, should you always plump for formal attire, whatever the position you are applying for, or would a more relaxed look be acceptable? Read on to find out how to dress for that all-important interview.