Interview Preparation

The Job Interview: What to wear to look your best

Choosing an outfit for a job interview is by no means an easy task, but it’s a key part of the process of finding a new job.  Formal wear or business casual? Whatever style you opt for - having made sure it’s appropriate for the environment you are looking to work in - the important thing is that you make a good impression on your potential employers. So, should you always plump for formal attire, whatever the position you are applying for, or would a more relaxed look be acceptable? Read on to find out how to dress for that all-important interview. 

The Ins & Outs of Smart Career Planning

The Ins & Outs of Smart Career Planning

If you were to ask someone what they felt was most important to their job right now, they’d probably say job security. Right now, people are more afraid than ever about losing their jobs, having to halt or restart their careers, or losing financial gains they may have made over the past months.

Top 10 Tips For Finding A Rewarding Job Post COVID-19


Life after Coronavirus is a while away, and when we get there, it is going to look very different. Industries across the world have taken a huge hit as the global economy heads toward a crash, taking with them millions of jobs. In America alone, around 30 million people have filed for unemployment benefits since mid-March, with the UK and other European countries releasing similar troubling statistical trends.