
Keeping Your Data Private

Keeping Data Private

The most important part of being an employee is understanding your privacy. Is your data safe? Are you sharing your personal information with anyone else on your team? Does your company keep your information safe and secure? You need to understand the importance of your private data and use certain measures to ensure your information safe, and no one is misusing it in any way. Make sure that you always have the best measures in the best place as this will help you to achieve the goals more effectively, more quickly and with fewer mistakes, without compromising your data.

How To Get Ahead In The Corporate Environment

How To Get Ahead In The Corporate Environment

Getting promoted is on everyone's New Year's resolution. However, most still struggle. So how do we impress our boss or manager, and get a promotion?

Flex Time, Remote Working, Shared Office Spaces and Future Work Trends

Flex Time, Remote Working, Shared Office Spaces and Future Work Trends

Take a moment and think back to a year ago? Where were you? Was it a cubicle? Corner office? Boardroom? Did you enjoy meeting coworkers in the break room or did you wake up every morning dreading the 6AM commute just to get a good parking spot? Was there ever a moment when you wished you could just forget all the white noise of the office and just enjoy work in the peace of your own home? Well that might not be a fantasy anymore.